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Crudes $/B
Brent 81.48
WTI 76.87
OPEC Basket 83.27
Natural Gas $/MMBTU
Natural Gas (Nymex) 2.657

Primary Energy Resources (%)

Oil 33.0% 31.2%
Gas 24.2% 24.7%
Coal 27.0% 27.2%
Nuclear 4.3% 4.3%
Hydro 6.4% 6.9%
Renewables 5.0% 5.7%
Total Resources 100% 100%

Top 10 World Oil Reserves

Countries Oil (Billion bbl) % of World total R/P ratio (Years of lifetime)
Venezuela 304 17.5 *
S. Arabia 298 17.2 69
Canada 168 9.7 82
Iran 158 9.1 121
Iraq 145 8.4 83
Russian F. 108 6.2 26
Kuwait 102 5.9 93
UAE 98 5.7 67
USA 69 4.0 11
Libya 48 2.8 108
  • - Proved reserves as of 1.1.2021 (BP Annual Statistical Review of 2021)
  • - * more than 500 years
  • - Reserves include gas condensates and NGL’s as well as crude oil

Top 10 World Gas Reserves

Countries N. Gas (Trillion   CF) % of World total R/P ratio (Years of lifetime)
Russia fed. 1321 19.88 56
Iran 1134 17.07 131
Qatar 871 13.11 139
Turkmanstan 480 6.71 309
USA 446 6.71 14
China 297 4.47 47
Venezuela 221 3.33 238
Saudi Arabia 213 3.20 53
UAE 210 3.16 95
Nigeria 193 2.91 109
Iraq 125 1.87 -
Azribejan 88 1.33 -
Australia 84 1.27 -
Canada 83 1.25 -
Algeria 81 1.21 -
Kazakhistan 80 1.20 -
Egypt 76 1.14 -
kuwait 60 0.09 -
Norway 51 0.08 -
Libya 51 0.08 -
  • - Proved reserves as of 1.1.2021
  • - Source:BP Annual Statistical Review of 2021