What is WEC ?

The World Energy Council is the foremost global and inclusive forum for impartial dialogue and thought leadership on our common energy future. Our network of 93 national committees represents over 3000 member organizations including governments, industry and expert institutions. Our mission is to promote the sustainable supply and use of energy for the greatest benefit of all. Every 3 years, we hold the World Energy Congress, the world’s premier energy gathering. The next Congress will be in Montréal in September, 2010.


WEC is the foremost multi-energy organization in the world today. WEC has Member Committees in nearly 100 countries, including most of the largest energy-producing and energy consuming countries. The organization which operates in three-year cycles, covers all types of energy, including coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, hydro, and renewable.



WEC’s membership is made up of 94 countries, each with an autonomous Member Committee. Each Member Committee represents the broadest possible range of energy and energy-related interests in its country:

Energy producers, providers, and marketers

Energy and power ministries

National energy associations

Energy manufacturers, fuel producers

Decision-makers, policy-makers

Government agencies

Research and academic institutions

Energy users

Environmental organizations