Mohamed Alabbar removes all job titles from employees of Emaar Group for Development, Administrative and Real Estate Services. The company based in Dubai with 60 subsidiaries and wide operations in 36 countries in the Middle East and North Africa, Asia, Europe and North America.
In a new creative approach worthy of study, the group’s employees were informed that the job titles would no longer exist in the group. Mohamed Alabbar will no longer be known as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
According to “Arabian Business” the decision was set for the employees in an internal e-mail that, stating, “When you reach the end of this email, you will notice something different and you will not find my name associated with my job as Group President and I do not have a job title. From now on, you will also not have a title.”
Alabbar explains that in light of the Coronavirus pandemic, the company intends to focus on its culture and focus on “talent, not titles.” From now on, business cards will only mention the name and department of the company’s employees.
Alabbar, who slashed his salaries by 100% at the start of the Coronavirus crisis in April 2020, added: “For Emaar to continue to succeed, it is imperative that each of our employees feel empowered to contribute. They should be motivated by their talent and the work they do.